Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I thought of a motivational quote. Since my class work this week is dealing with perspective of a person vs. society, the artist vs. the viewer, I was reminded of a quote from my vision board.

I can't control how I am perceived only how I'm presented.

This always reminds me to stand up straight and not whine so much. I may be seen as fat, loud, or smart but I can only try to present my true self.

Of course then I analyzed myself as per classwork and realized some conundrums. I can't control how others perceive me but I can present myself so I'm perceived a specific way. Like at work I specifically say "What's your last name again?" so hopefully they think I know their first name.

Also I don't think watching the movie counts as reading the book. BUT I've discovered parodies of the classics. In my mind I don't need to read Jane Eyre because I read Jane Slayre. When I think about it more it doesn't make sense.

What loopholes do you give yourself? What's your favorite motivational quote?

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